Commissioned by NBC television producer Peter Goldfarb in 1968 to do an hour-long program on his work, Fellini filmed a "sort of semi-humorous introduction" to past and future plans: the recently abandoned project, The Voyage of G. Mastorna, and his latest work-in-progress, Fellini Satyricon. Also, in this section are two other, related stories, created by Fellini. Mastorna was partially filmed but never released. Tulum was published as a graphic novel with illustrations by Fellini’s friend, Milo Manara. IMDB
There were no posters issued for this TV program produced by NBC-TV. The newspaper ad below was the closest thing to a poster created.
There were no lobbycards issued for this Italian TV program produced by NBC-TV.
There were no pressbooks or programs issued for this Italian TV program produced by NBC-TV.
The magazines listed below contain either interviews, profiles, Fellini artwork/drawings, gossip or reviews of Fellini of this film. You can find many more in the Miscellaneous section.
English script book, w/expert analysis
Italian photo book from Mastorna set
Italian script book
German script book
Italian script book
Italian script in graphic novel
English script in graphic novel
US, TV Guide magazine, Dir. Notebook report
Italian graphic novels of Tulum & Mastorna
UK comic magazine, Tulum reprint
French comic magazine, Mastorna reprint
UK comic magazine, Tulum reprint
Italian graphic magazine, Mastorna reprint
Italian magazine with Mastorna report
Stills & Photos
Fellini directing Mastroianni in Mastorna
B&W still issued by NBC-TV
B&W still issued by NBC-TV
Snipe on back of NBC-TV stills
English script, hand typed and bound
US, ad for NBC-TV special