The materials listed below are not generally related to a specific film and include either interviews, profiles, Fellini artwork/drawings, gossip, exhibitions, festivals, news or reviews related to Fellini or his works. Most of these items are not listed in other galleries.
Spanish film fest poster_'04
Belgian exhibition poster of FF art_80's
Cannes Film Fest poster, art by FF_'94
FF poster, art exhibition germany_'84
Italian promo poster for book, TV interviews
Italian promo poster for book, TV interviews
US poster, Academy tribute to FF in L.A._'95
French exhibition poster of FF art_'77
French poster for Italian film fest, FF art_'89
French festival poster
French poster of FF art exhibition_'86
French poster, protest against TV
Fellini art poster_art by Geleng
German poster, FF film fest/exhibition
German poster for FF/Rota exhibition_'04
German poster, FF art/film exhibition_'88
German poster, FF art exhibition_'84
Italian poster, FF art exhibition_'84
UK quad poster, film fest_'80's
Italian poster, La Strada 50th anniv. exhibition
Italian poster, Fellini film fest
Japanese film fest chirashi_'00's
Japanese retrospective B2 poster_'00's
Korean festival poster_'10
Polish poster, art by Swierzy_'09
Brazilian film fest poster_'86, art by FF
Singapore special event poster_'15
Singapore film fest poster_'10
Spanish FF/Picasso exhibition poster_'18
Spanish film fest poster_'10
Toronto film fest poster_'11
Canadian film fest program_'05
Spanish poster, Tutto Fellini_'04
UK film fest poster_'04
US 1-sheet retrospective poster_'93
US 1-sheet, FF doc film_'02
US Tutto Fellini festival poster_'06
US poster, FF Conf. Seattle_'03
US New York Film Fest poster_'03
US poster for NY film screenings_'77
US poster for NY film fest, art by Marx_'77
Swiss poster for film fest_'84
Italian locadina poster, FF at 100 film fest
French grande poster, FF film fest_90's
Italian book promo poster_'99
Spanish festival program_'05
Canadian FF fest program_'11
Ciao Fellini film pressbook_'03
Danish program for FF penned film
French pressbook for FF doc film_'02
Germ prog for FF penned film
US, Tutto Fellini film program flier
Italian photo exhibition flier_'03
Singapore Tutto Fellini film fest_'10
French film/art fest program_2019
Italian opera program_'78
Hong Kong film fest program_'07
Spanish, FF art exhibition flier_ '05
Jaapanese FF film fest program_'87
Jaapanese FF film fest program_'87
Jos. E. Levine booklet signed by Mastroianni
Jos. E. Levine booklet signed by Mastroianni
Singapore special event booklet
Singapore film fest program_'10
Spanish, film festival program_'10
Spanish art exhibition catalog_'18
US Academy Tribute brochure_'95
US Academy Tribute brochure_'95
US, Bergman/FF film fest prog_'70
US college film fest program_'66
US, FF Conf. flier, Seattle_'03
US, FF Conf, Seattle_'03, signed by B. Steele
US, FF Conf, Seattle_'03, flier for art exhibition
US Film Society FF gala program_'85
US Film Society FF gala program_'85
US Film Society FF gala program_'85
US Film Society FF gala ticket stub_95
US Film Society FF gala invitation card_'85
US Film Society FF gala program_'85
US, Lincoln Center tribute program_'85
US, Lincoln Center tribute program_'85
US Tutto Fellini film fest program_'95
US, costume exhibition flier_'96
Jos. E. Levine booklet cover
French FF-Picasso exhibition flier_2019
US, Academy FF film fest program_'95
Italian FF fest presskit_'83
Australian film fest_'94
15th Montreal Film Fest prog_cover art by FF
The books listed below contain either criticism, academic studies, interviews, profiles, Fellini artwork/drawings, reviews, etc. of Fellini in general rather than a particular film.
Amarcord journal bibliography_Vol. 2
Amarcord journal promo postcard
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2009
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2009
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2005
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2008
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2008
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2007
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2007
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2006
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2006
Amarcord journal, issue 2_2005
Amarcord journal bibliography_Vol. 1
Amarcord journal, issue 1_2005
Amarcord journal, issue 4_2004
Amarcord journal, issue 2 & 3_2004
Amarcord journal, issue 1_2004
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2003
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2003
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2002
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2002
Amarcord journal, issue 3 & 4_2001
Amarcord journal, issue 1 & 2_2001
American Film Institute booklet_'70
Book of Dreams promo sheet
Photo book of 400 stills_'77
US film journal_'95
Film study_'70
Film study, signed by Bondanella_02
Film study_'83
Film study_'76
Cultural history_'03
Adult photo book with quips from FF_'68
Pulp fiction book with preface by Fellini_'82
FF interviews_'97
Film study_'93
Italian, Making a Film, by Fellini_'80
Bio of of FF actress_'14
Film study, by Sarris_'68
US adult photo book w/quips by Fellini_'68
French photo exhibition book_'89
UK, FF art exhibition book_'89
FF homage via other artists_'02
English/German photo/profile book_'82
Swiss FF costume exhibition book_'94
Italian exhibition catalogue_'93
Film study book, Wiegand_'03
Italian bio by Masina_'75
Film Study, signed by Bondanella_'92
Italian collected screenplays, by Renzi_'69
Film study/bio, by Solmi_'67
Film study, by Rosenthal_'76
US, bio by, Kezich_'06
US, Rota bio/music study, by Dyer_'10
UK, film/cultural study, by Minus_'18
Italian bio/appreciation, by Zapponi_'95
Spanish photo/travelogue, by Gruau_'85
US, film survey, by Kezich-'10
US, adult photo book w/quips by FF_'68
Italian photo/homage exhibition book_'97
Eng, studio history/promo_'61
Eng, film study/profile, by Bowman_'15
Eng, film review, by Kauffman_'76
Eng, FF art book_'08
Italian, FF art study, by DiSanti_'82
Eng, bio of FF comic actor, by Fava_'93
Italian study of FF TV commercials_'97
Spanish, set photos of Pinna_'83
Eng, set photos of Secchiaroli_'03
German FF art/props exhibition book_'76
Italian profile book on Fellini_'89
UK photo book_'89
German novel, young FF_'95
Spanish, photo book/film essays_'94
UK, film study book, by Boris_'99
Italian, photo/tribute book_'94
UK film study book, by Fava_'84
Eng, FF art exhibition catalog_'03
Eng film study/bio book by Tornabene_'90
Eng film/art study book, by Aldouby_'13
French, FF erotic art exhibition book_'08
Italian, FF fest/exhibition book_'03
Russian literary booklet by, Karaganov_'74
Italian, FF art study, by DiSanti_'92
Eng, interviews/photos by, Pettigrew_'04
Italian, FF art exhibition_'09
Italian, FF & Manara art/film essays_'03
Italian film study book by, Rondi_'65
UK bio/film study by, Budgen_'66
Italian, set photos book by, Pinna_'88
Japanese film profile book_90's
Eng, collected screenplays_'71
German interview book_'84
Turkish interview book_'84
Italian photos/essay by Renzi_'56
Italian, FF essay on Juliet of the Spirits_'94
Spanish film study book_'73
Turkish, profile, filmography_'93
Hungarian, bio/fimography_'83
Italian bio_'74
German, FF essays_'76
Eng, novelization of film ideas_'83
Italian ed. novel, signed by author_'00
Italian bio_'83
Italian, comparison book_'03
Eng, bio/filmography_'98
Eng, bio_'92
Italian brochure_'03
Italian, early stories/art by FF_'94
Eng, interview with FF_'67
Eng, FF art exhibition catalog, Medici_'95
German bio/profile/film study_'89
US, film study_'09
Eng, film study_'02
Eng. profile/interview_'95
Eng, reference_'78
French, film journal compilation_'88
Eng, memoir collection_'92
Italian, bio/reference book_'86
Italian, famous shoes in cinema, FF illus._'77
German, exhibition catalog_'04
Eng, film music study, signed by author_'09
Eng, film study overview_'11
French, FF interviews_'84
Eng, FF bio_'94
German, themed cookbook_'94
German, memoir of FF cowriter_'97
German, FF bio_'89
UK, film review (8 1/2)_'79
Italian, interviews w/FF associates, etc._'93
French, FF autobiography_'80
Eng, faith-based film study_'70
Italian, psych. study of FF films_'96
German, screenplay_'63
Eng, reference_'78
UK, film study/reference_'02
Eng, film study/critcism_'64
Eng, psych film study (Casanova)_'89
Eng, musings, factoids about FF_'01
Czech, film study/criticism_'89
Eng, interviews w/FF_'88
Eng, film study_'87
French, humor/cartoons, preface by FF_'69
Italian, film study/academic conf_'04
French, bio/film study/criticism_'94
Eng, film study/bio_'76
Italian, autobiography_'82
Eng, film study, signed by author_'78
Eng, interviews_'06
Italian, bio_'62
French, film study/criticism_'63
Eng, literary journal, (The Clowns)_'73
Eng, film study (Clowns/Dir Notebook)_'81
Eng, film study_'74
Eng, interviews w/FF_'97
Armenian translation of '84 Russian book_'88
Russian, bio/film study_'68
German, FF essay on Juliet of the Spirits_'89
Eng, interviews_'72
Eng, film study, signed by author_'93
Eng, essays on film, etc._'76
Eng, film study, signed by author_'02
Eng, bio/memoir_'79
Eng, film study_'15
Eng, film criticism_'71
Eng, film study_'73
French, film study_'71
Eng, humor/art ehibition catalog_'00
Italian, film study_'63
Eng, film study (Satyricon)_'71
Eng, film study/criticism (Satyricon)_'76
Eng, memoir/interview_'84
Eng, film study_'96
Eng, interview w/FF_'80
Eng, interview w/FF_'73
Eng, humor/art, preface by FF_'73
Italian, art exhib. catalog inspired by FF_'04
German, retrospective catalog_'70
Eng, screenplays_'70
Eng, film study_'83
German, FF art exhibition catalog_'84
French, FF essay on film, Il Miracolo_'48
German, retrospective catalog_'04
Italian, film history_'88
Italian exhibition brochure_'03
Italian art exhibition catalog_'01
English, bio signed by author_'07
Eng, Sotheby's catalog of art_'?
Polish, bio_75
Venice Film Fest, FF homage brochure_'85
US, film study manuscript_'65
Eng, comics history, preface by FF_'70
Eng, comics history, preface by FF_'70
Eng. ed. of FF essay, Fare un Film ('80)_'15
Film study book, Burke_'20
Film study book_'19
French novel, young FF_'95
French, FF art/props exhibition book_'82
English, film study_'20
US lit. magazine, interview w/P. Ceratto_'14
U.S. magazine_'80
Italian film journal_'80
French film magazine_'71
French news magazine_'93
French, news/culture magazine_'84
UK, film history magazine_'80
French, news/culture magazine_'87
French, FF erotic art exhibition_'97
French fashion magazine_'73
Italian, Illy Cafe magazine_'94
Italian film journal_'60
Italian film journal_'65
Italian news magazine_03
Italian news magazine_'70
Italian news/gossip magazine_'70
English, arts/culture magazine_'73
French comics magazine, FF interview_'68
US men's magazine_'86
US, men's magazine_62
US men's magazine_60's
Italian comics journal_'86
US, magazine, Fellini's Dreams_90's
Men's magazine_'64
US photo magazine_'88
Italian men's magazine_'90
Italian men's magazine_'87
US men's magazine_'62
UK comics magazine, FF art_'70
US gay men's magazine_'82
US men's magazine, FF interview_'66
US men's magazine, FF interview_'60's
Italian adult comics magazine_'91
Italian adult comics magazine_'91
Adult comics magazine, preface by FF_'81
US adult comics magazine, FF interview_'84
US men's magazine, mastroianni_'65
Italian film magazine_'93
French, news/culture magazine_'93
Belgian, film journal_'62
French film journal_'78
US, literary magazine_'95
Italian, arts/culture magazine_'06
Italian film journal_'58
US, SAG magazine_'64
US photo/culture magazine_'94
French photo/arts magazine_'72
French photo/arts magazine_'72
UK, in-flight airline magazine_'70's
UK arts/culture magazine_'64
French news magazine_'?
US, news/arts/culture magazine_'02
UK, film history magazine_'80
US, arts/culture magazine_'82
US, arts/culture magazine_'94
French arts/culture magazine_'88
French news magazine_'55
Italian news magazine_'80
Italian news/arts magazine_'54
Italian nostalgia magazine_'90's
US photo/camera magazine_'67
UK history magazine_'00
Italian/US news/arts magazine_'77
Australian arts/culyure magazine_'04
Portuguese film journal_'70's
Italian magazine_'93
Italian film studio, in-house magazine_'
French/Belgian men's magazine_'71
Canadian film nostalgia magazine_'96
UK entertainment magazine_'74
Australian arts/colture magazine_'04
US, women's fashion magazine_'68
US biography journal_'80
French news magazine_'93
US film journal_'94
US film journal_'94
US film journal_'95
Italian arts journal_'70's
Spanish film journal_'60's
US/Italian news/culture magazine_'90's
US photo journal_'03
French arts/culture journal_
Italian kids comic magazine (La Strada)_'91
US literary journal_'72
Eng, literary/film criticism (La Dolce Vita)_'61
US film journal_'93
UK, literary journal, (E. Walter on FF)_'64
Spanish, summary of radio interviews_70's
Italian film journal_'59
US film journal_'61
US magazine '70's
US film journal_'85
US film journal_'08
Italian humor magazine_'72
US men's magazine_'63
US men's magazine_'65
French film journal, by Renzi_'60
Magazine clippings_'58
Magazine clippings_'65
Magazine clippings_'63
Magazine clippings_'60's
Postcards & Stamps
Italian postcard w/FF film stamps
Italian postcard w/FFstamp_'03
Italian Funny Film Fest postcard, FF art (back)
US_MOMA gift card box
Italian Funny Film Fest postcard, FF art (front)
Italian film fest postcard w/FF art
French postcard w/FF art & stamp
FF homage stamps_KYRGYZSTAN
FF homage stamp
FF homage stamp
Czech stamps (La Dolce Vita), art by Vaca
Czech postcard w/stamp
Set of postcards_FF art
UN Flag Series stamps w/FF art (Casanova)
UN Flag Series lithograph w/FF art, signed
UN Flag Series, FF signed lithograph text
Masina signed postcards
Italian postcard & stamp (Cabiria)
Swiss postcard
Photo postcard of Ray Bradbury & Fellini_'91
Photo postcard of Ray Bradbury & FF (back)
Russian postcard
Venice Film Fest postcard_'52 (Sheik poster)
Venice Film Fest postcard_'52 (back)
City of Women postcard
La Strada card signed by Masina & Quinn
Italian postcard w/1st day issue stamps_'95
US postal envelope signed by FF_'67
Italian card w/1st day issue stamps_'95
Italian card w/1st day issue stamps_'88
Italian postage stamp_Fellini centenario, '20
Brazilian LP
French compilation 45rpm record
French compilation LP record
Italian LP_Live Nino Rota
US soundtrack compilation LP
French LP promo poster, K. Ranieri
Sheet music for flute
US Nino Rota sheet music
US soundtrack compilation cassette tape
US tribute LP
US soundtrack, FF-Rota LP, liner notes by FF
K. Ranieri CD
Stills & Photos
B&W still signed by FF_'83
B&W still signed by FF_'83
B&W still_FF & S. Milo_1963
B&W still
B&W still Gideon Bachmann
B&W still_FF & Ekberg, '60
B&W still, FF & GM_'?
B&W still, FF & GM by Alfredo_'58
B&W still, FF & GM_'56
B&W still, FF & GM_'?
B&W still, FF & GM_'63
B&W still, FF & K. Ranieri
B&W still, FF & P. Germi, by Platea_'61
B&W still, FF & Ponti_60's
B&W still, FF by A. Frontoni
B&W still, FF by A. Frontoni
B&W still, FF by Tito Franco_'?
B&W still, FF in NYC_'57
B&W still, FF, GM & Cocteau_'57 by R. Cohen
B&W still, FF, GM & Elia Kazan_'?
B&W still, FF, GM & S. Leone_'70
B&W still, FF&GM, by Frontoni_'50's
B&W still, signed by FF, by Sechiarolli_'90
B&W still, GM & deAngelis_'50_front
B&W still, GM & deAngelis_'50_back
B&W still, GM & Annie Fratellini_'70
B&W still, GM & Zanuck by Farabola_'59
B&W still, signed by GM_Boletto_'55
B&W still, by Minighini
B&W still, by Minighini
B&W still, by Minighini
B&W still, by Minighini
Color still, by Minighini
Ray Bradbury & FF, signed postcard-front
Ray Bradbury & FF, signed postcard-back
B&W contact sheet_'?
B&W, 35mm slides
B&W, 35mm slides
B&W still, Casanova, FF & Carli Buchanan
B&W still signed by FF_'67
FF & Berlusconi_comic card_SIGNED
French 500 francs silver coin
illy cafe, Fellini cups_full set_'93
Illy Cafe, FF designed cup
Illy Cafe, FF designed cup
Illy Cafe, FF designed cup
Illy Cafe promo poster
Italian calendar of FF art_'05
Italian phone card, FF art
Italian phone card, FF art
FF quote snow-globe
Silver homage coin
Limited ed. FF art prints_sleeve
Limited ed. FF art prints_cover
Limited ed. FF art prints_inside text
Limited ed. FF art prints_inside text
Limited ed. FF art prints_inside text
Limited ed. FF art prints_print example
US, student thesis paper_'98
Ben Toth arch. thesis_'01
Matt Foster FF play_'03
Rare video tapes
US Esalen Inst., FF discussion/lecture_'87
US Esalen Inst., FF discussion/lecture_'88
US NPR, on-air obits of FF, GM & MM
US NPR, on-air obits of FF, GM & MM
US CD rom
US, FF Conference, Seattle_'03, wine swag
UCLA, FF film fest advert_'67
Levine transcription of Fellini TV broadcast
FF art on oversized, promo matchbook_'84
German collectors card_'50's
German calendar of FF drawings_'85
16 mm film rental catalog, 60's
16 mm film rental catalog, 60's